Stuck In A Scarcity Mindset? Do This 👇
Jan 28, 2025
I just sat down to write you and piece all about scarcity mindset.
And, you know the first thing I did?
Ok, well really the first thing I did was procrastinate by picking up Hot Wheels and putting out the trash.
But, then I became aware that I was procrastinating.
I took a minute to sit with that awareness and - ironically enough - realized I was procrastinating because I was experiencing a feeling of scarcity and lack.
Lack of time. Lack of ideas. Lack of ability.
:: A triple whammy - oof! ::
Now, you might be thinking “Courtney, why the heck are you starting an article that’s supposed to help me by admitting you do the same thing as me?”
So, let me just rip off the bandaid and say it…
We all battle with a scarcity mindset. Me, Debra, Gisele Bündchen*. We all battle with it. It’s human nature.
But, it’s hurting us.
In fact, Deloitte conducted a whole study dedicated to investigating the question “Does scarcity make you dumb?” Unfortunately, the result was a resounding “yes”.
Not only does your scarcity mindset exhaust you - mentally and physically, but it diminishes your ability to make sound decisions, it reduces your capacity for intelligence and it contributes to poor self-control.
Yup, that sucks. But, I’d argue that your scarcity mindset - in and of itself - isn’t actually the problem.
You see, something I’ve learned in my journey back from burnout (multiple times) is that the “thing” isn’t usually the issue. The substance isn’t the actual issue for those who struggle with substance abuse - work isn’t the actual issue for workaholics, alcohol isn’t the actual issue for alcoholics.
It’s the lack of awareness of the “thing” that’s the issue.
Because, without awareness, you can’t take action.
In other words…
Your scarcity mindset isn’t the issue.
It’s your lack of awareness that your scarcity mindset is running the show that’s the issue - because, when you’re unaware, you’re unable to take action.
So, today, when I became aware I was being pushed around by my own scarcity mindset, I chose to do a short abundance meditation. And, I came out on the other side of that meditation a new person - more clarity, more ideas, and more value to share with others.
It wasn’t the lack of scarcity mindset that created a different outcome for me today. It was the awareness of its presence, which empowered me to choose a new next step in a different direction.
I became aware ➡️ I made a better decision ➡️ And, I brought my actions back into alignment with my intention.
3 Steps to Shift From a Scarcity Mindset Into More Abundance
Incorporate these three practices over the next week and take note of any new feelings, thoughts, or connections you make. And, remember the goal isn’t to eliminate your scarcity mindset - the goal is simply to become aware of when you are experiencing it and choose a new next step.
- Practice awareness - Pay attention to the subtle ways scarcity sneaks into your everyday. Whether it’s through more overt displays such as the language you use - "I don't have enough," "I can't afford," or "There's not enough time" - or through old habits that die hard, such as overcommitting or overdelivering to clients and customers. These aren’t just words or actions - these are windows into your beliefs, which may or may not actually reflect your reality. A friend once pointed out that I constantly used the word "owe" when talking about work. "I can't take this weekend off, I still owe my clients an important deliverable." I was always "owing" my clients – as if they owned my time, as if every project was a debt to be repaid. No wonder I couldn't rest. It wasn't until I became aware of this pattern that I could find my way out. Where are you using words that suggest a feeling of lack? Notice them and take a moment to explore them.
- FAB (Feet. Ass. Breath.) - There’s a reason why we teach FAB in all of our programming. Not only is it a practice you can do anywhere, anytime, but it’s key in helping you become present and in signaling to your body that you’re safe right now. Being able to sense this safety interrupts the chronic sense of lack that sends us into survival mode. This serves two purposes - it supports a deeper sense of awareness (step 1) and, by breaking out of survival mode, you open yourself up to make better decisions.
- Make note of when you do notice abundance - Take two minutes each day to jot down the times when you did notice abundance. Was there an abundance of sunlight shining through your window this morning? Did you hear a ton of laughter as you were entering the coffee shop? Did you enjoy extra snuggles during your bedtime routine with the kiddos? Or, maybe you see a heaping pile of laundry staring back at you - meaning you have an abundance of clothes! If you know you're going to be recording the abundance you see, your mind will go looking for it. By building the muscle of noticing abundance, you counteract your brain's natural negativity bias to focus on lack.
These practices might seem “too simple” to make a difference, but remember - awareness is where all transformation begins.
Speaking of transformation…want to dive deeper into understanding how your mindset shapes your reality?
Here are ways we can help:
- I know that for some of you, thoughts of scarcity around time or money might be holding you back from joining us in The Success Solution. If that's you, please know that sometimes the very thing holding us back is exactly what we need to lean into. Message us and let's explore solutions together.
- Join us for our next free coaching event on February 5th: Mindset - It's Not What You Think. We'll be exploring these concepts further and giving you practical tools to shift your perspective, overcome self-sabotage, and achieve your goals. RSVP here.
Here's to becoming aware of the abundance that's already within you,
*Note: This is likely the only time Gisele and I will be linked together in my lifetime so let’s all just sit in this glory for a minute